Look out for the workshop details coming your way!


We designed our own parenting style, not skewing towards either authoritarian, permissive nor authoritative, and definitely out-of-the-mould and balanced.

Many, many years later, we realised that our ‘own parenting style’ was nothing new. It held the same belief that Dr David Lewis wrote in his book, titled How To Be A Gifted Parent, in 1979. We wished we had read the book earlier. We would certainly have done a much better job, not that we did not do it well. There are so many wonderful suggestions we had missed which I would like to share with all young parents out there.

Hence, my decision to email Dr David Lewis on the using his book (which is currently out of print) and adapt parts of it to be used for my Gifted Parents Workshops and reading materials. He hoped that all of you will find his materials useful and relevant still in this 21st century. I assured him that it is and will always be! I hope to share with you all the little secrets of REAL parenting that will enable your little ones to blossom greatly. In addition to his original book, I have added in recommended activities as much as possible in order to achieve the intended outcome. These activities are part of my collections which have been used, practised, and fine-tuned several hundred times during my teaching journey. I termed them ‘hands-on activities gifted parents do’.  I am certain that you will enjoy them as much as I do.

Have a wonderful parenting journey! I am sure you will love every moment of it!

Ms Katherine Law

M.Ed (Gifted Education), Post-Graduate Diploma in Education (Primary), Bachelor of Arts